In this class I will provide time and space for reflection on this past year's experiences and support letting go of what we do not want to carry forward using physical and emotional release tools. We will then allow ourselves a time of intention setting and relaxation to take us into the coming new year!
Release and Intention Setting for the New Year
Friday, December 31 at 10:00am EST
1 (Single) 60-Minute Class – $30 – Register
Holiday Special Get a pass to all 5 of the Emotional Release Classes, the Monthly Release and Intention Setting Class, and the Release and Intention Setting for the New Year Class for $150 - Register
Location: Online Only
Facilitator: Rachel Cassidy, MS, CES, CPT, FNS, SFS, GFS
— Minimum of 7 registrations.
Friday, December 31 at 10:00am EST
1 (Single) 60-Minute Class – $30 – Register
Holiday Special Get a pass to all 5 of the Emotional Release Classes, the Monthly Release and Intention Setting Class, and the Release and Intention Setting for the New Year Class for $150 - Register
Location: Online Only
Facilitator: Rachel Cassidy, MS, CES, CPT, FNS, SFS, GFS
— Minimum of 7 registrations.