From the Desk of our Founder on Blue Mist Healing:
Wendy Schoeppner, CEO, SoulWork, LLC
In 2013, I walked into a hospital room, bent my head down in prayer for a friend, looked up and was never the same again. Why? My eyes saw “things” that were not there. I left the room immediately in panic and saw even more “things” floating all around me, around others, and through the air. I finally made it to the parking lot. During my gasps of breaths, I realized God heard my words the month before asking to help heal people and Earth. He showed me a new way of living and loving others. He helped me understand my path that day. For the next two years straight, I prayed. I prayed for hours and hours every single day. Out of that prayer, came tools to use energy medicine and my devotion in service to facilitate healing, hope, and peace for others.

This hospital experience, naturally, sent me on a journey to define my own faith. During that time, I turned forty. I was inspired to respond to the Psalms forty days before my fortieth birthday. During that time, I had private conversations with God. We spoke about various things in the Psalms. My passages are a response to King David’s wounded heart, to God in what I hope to inspire in others, and a celebration of my own healing and growth in faith. Healing for David is still being edited, but the cover artwork is complete (pictured: Jenny Wittmer, artist).
In 2018, after lots of “creative” discussion with my husband, we bought our first cabin on the mountainside in the Smokies. It was a dream come true for me. I have always loved the Gatlinburg area. After our marriage, my husband and I visited the area often. When “we” decided to buy our first cabin, we searched for over a year. We had to buy the cabin sight unseen as most cabin owners in the Smoky's real estate market. We closed on the property and headed up to see what we just put a mortgage on. (Crazy, I know. God had a plan. I trusted in that. Plus, I really wanted a cabin!)
In 2018, after lots of “creative” discussion with my husband, we bought our first cabin on the mountainside in the Smokies. It was a dream come true for me. I have always loved the Gatlinburg area. After our marriage, my husband and I visited the area often. When “we” decided to buy our first cabin, we searched for over a year. We had to buy the cabin sight unseen as most cabin owners in the Smoky's real estate market. We closed on the property and headed up to see what we just put a mortgage on. (Crazy, I know. God had a plan. I trusted in that. Plus, I really wanted a cabin!)

I walked up to the drive and there it was… the beautiful blue energy hovering all over the ground. We were walking through what the Cherokee called Shaconage (shah-con-ah-jye) or Land of the Blue Mist. Of course, the Smoky Mountains were named after this, the smoke or fog that hovers over the mountains. I see the blue energy mist that, in my opinion, the Cherokee saw, too. For the first several days in our new home, I sat in that blue energy and realized it was the flow of truth and healing. I understood that it is connected to the throat charka. Truth and healing. That describes everything about my life and about me. Now I get to live in it symbolically and actually when I travel to my home-away-from-home. What a beautiful gift!
For the past several years, I actively prayed about how to name the type of energy healing I developed at SoulWorks. I wanted to show reverence to God and honor the energy blanketing Earth. What is a term that can combine the two and show how we are all woven together as both? I read books, searched the internet, and paid attention every time I travelled to the Smokies, sure that God had an answer that I must have missed.
In early 2021, I spent an entire week straight thinking about it. I went to bed one night intensely praying and meditating, tapping into deep layers of energy flow and God’s love, for answers. I kept waking and in my sleepy stupor it was clear I was overthinking. It must be simpler than this. As I pulled myself from slumber, I knew that I already had the name. It must already be inside of me. All of a sudden, I remembered my work with the Psalms and the deep devotion that cultivated inside me during that time. Suddenly, the plaque I bought and placed inside our cabin above the fireplace flashed inside my mind.
“He who looks at the earth and it trembles; He touches the mountains and they smoke.” -Psalm 104
All this time, I had the answer. While it should not, it still amazes me how energy is woven, and God has already answered our questions before we even know we had them to ask. This quote sits inside our cabin because I am connected to the imagery of God touching us and we smoke, releasing our pain, sorrows, and all the negative flow blocking our growth. He heals us. It also represents the blue mist, seen and unseen, that fills my spirit and renews my soul every time I am in the Smoky Mountains. It is the blue mist of the Cherokee. I honor the Native Americans of Earth and Earth's protectors. I honor God for what He’s shown me. God and Earth coming together perfectly through me as Blue Mist Healing.
For the past several years, I actively prayed about how to name the type of energy healing I developed at SoulWorks. I wanted to show reverence to God and honor the energy blanketing Earth. What is a term that can combine the two and show how we are all woven together as both? I read books, searched the internet, and paid attention every time I travelled to the Smokies, sure that God had an answer that I must have missed.
In early 2021, I spent an entire week straight thinking about it. I went to bed one night intensely praying and meditating, tapping into deep layers of energy flow and God’s love, for answers. I kept waking and in my sleepy stupor it was clear I was overthinking. It must be simpler than this. As I pulled myself from slumber, I knew that I already had the name. It must already be inside of me. All of a sudden, I remembered my work with the Psalms and the deep devotion that cultivated inside me during that time. Suddenly, the plaque I bought and placed inside our cabin above the fireplace flashed inside my mind.
“He who looks at the earth and it trembles; He touches the mountains and they smoke.” -Psalm 104
All this time, I had the answer. While it should not, it still amazes me how energy is woven, and God has already answered our questions before we even know we had them to ask. This quote sits inside our cabin because I am connected to the imagery of God touching us and we smoke, releasing our pain, sorrows, and all the negative flow blocking our growth. He heals us. It also represents the blue mist, seen and unseen, that fills my spirit and renews my soul every time I am in the Smoky Mountains. It is the blue mist of the Cherokee. I honor the Native Americans of Earth and Earth's protectors. I honor God for what He’s shown me. God and Earth coming together perfectly through me as Blue Mist Healing.