At SoulWorks we specifically work with 5th dimensional energy healing. These are energy pathways of flow that we developed and use actively to facilitate healing for our clients. To some extent, these will differ from Chinese medical charts (acupressure/acupuncture) and differ with hands on healing practices in the United States. These work! Adjust yourself today and feel better!
Bladder Meridian
Core Flush
Earth Grounding
Gallbladder Meridian
Heart Meridian
Kidney Meridian
Liver Meridian
Lung Meridian
Outer Energy Flush
Receptor Meridian
Small Intestine Meridian
Spinal Flush
Spleen Meridian
Stomach Meridian
Thyroid Meridian
Bladder Meridian
Core Flush
Earth Grounding
Gallbladder Meridian
Heart Meridian
Kidney Meridian
Liver Meridian
Lung Meridian
Outer Energy Flush
Receptor Meridian
Small Intestine Meridian
Spinal Flush
Spleen Meridian
Stomach Meridian
Thyroid Meridian