Wendy Schoeppner,
CEO/Founder of SoulWorks, LLC &
Blue Mist Healing
After a divinely inspired experience in 2014, Wendy Schoeppner, SoulWorks, LLC, CEO and Founder of the Blue Mist Healing Technique, devoted herself to understanding health and wholeness by way of energy medicine. Through years of deep mediation and prayer, she discovered a new method for addressing healing, growth, and personal development. The Blue Mist Healing Technique is unique to SoulWorks and is not practiced anywhere else in the world. Wendy sees clients in personal sessions, teaches classes/workshops, heads a training program, and is working on several publications, including her first book on Blue Mist Healing, a book of poetry, Healing for David, and a podcast series with Oliver London, Ph.D.
While Wendy is primarily self-taught, she is also a Reiki Master and Oneness Blesser. Wendy holds a B.A. from Indiana University in Sociology with honors. She was a Ph.D. candidate at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She withdrew from her academic program and pursued a career in sales and marketing where she was, at the age of 27, appointed Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for a healthcare program in wound care.
After her children were born, Wendy started an e-bay business, which she ran for ten years. In 2014, she closed her business and dedicated her focus to energy healing. In 2016, she was a M.A. candidate at Indiana Wesleyan University Seminary for non-profit business management. Today, Wendy enjoys spending time with her husband, four children, three grandchildren, and many pets. Her hobbies include writing, doing house projects, visiting her vacation rental properties in the Gatlinburg area, and travelling anywhere. Every day Wendy enjoys living her soul mission to build the community of SoulWorks and to demonstrate how to activate the power of healing that lives within.
While Wendy is primarily self-taught, she is also a Reiki Master and Oneness Blesser. Wendy holds a B.A. from Indiana University in Sociology with honors. She was a Ph.D. candidate at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She withdrew from her academic program and pursued a career in sales and marketing where she was, at the age of 27, appointed Vice-President of Sales and Marketing for a healthcare program in wound care.
After her children were born, Wendy started an e-bay business, which she ran for ten years. In 2014, she closed her business and dedicated her focus to energy healing. In 2016, she was a M.A. candidate at Indiana Wesleyan University Seminary for non-profit business management. Today, Wendy enjoys spending time with her husband, four children, three grandchildren, and many pets. Her hobbies include writing, doing house projects, visiting her vacation rental properties in the Gatlinburg area, and travelling anywhere. Every day Wendy enjoys living her soul mission to build the community of SoulWorks and to demonstrate how to activate the power of healing that lives within.